220819 Oil Painting 1-day Intro with Laurie Szilvagyi
Dates: August 19, 2022
Time: 9:00 to 3:00pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: None
Contact Information: featherstone01@tds.net
Cost: $80
Class Size: Min 6 Max 12
Sign-up: This class is full. Contact Laurie directly at featherstone01@tds.net to see if you can be added to the class.
Deadline: August 5, 2002
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. Contact Laurie directly to cancel.
Class Content: This introduction to oil has been designed for the artist who wants to try oil painting in a realistic manner without the upfront investment in materials. This is a process focused one-day class with exercises and handouts. Students will work from a simple Black and White Still Life Photograph provided by the instructor. The instructor will demonstrate step-by-step on an 8 x10 canvas. The focus will be on tinting your canvas or board; image transfer; and painting a grisaille underpainting to understand values of the composition.
Key Objectives of this Workshop:
– Lighting and Value Analysis
– Oil Paint Application
– Palette Arrangement and Mixing
– Mixing a Value Stream of Paint
– Transferring an Image to the Substrate
– Application of the Paint and Brush Handling
– Edge Control and Blending Techniques
Supply List: All materials will be provided
Biography: Laurie Szilvagyi, award-winning painter known for her highly realistic artwork, offers three day oil painting workshops for intermediate and advanced students at her home studio in Rarity Bay . She has been an instructor for 15 years and belongs to the Oil Painters of America, International Guild of Realism, and the Tennessee Watercolor Society. Her work can be viewed on Instagram.
Instructor Website: Instagram
COVID Protocol: Individuals are invited to wear face masks based on their own comfort level.