220920 Beginning Watercolor (Part 1) with Lee Edge
Dates: September 20, 27 and October 4, 2022
Time: 8:45 to 12:00 pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: None
Contact Information: paintingsbylee@gmail.com
Cost: $60
Class Size: Min 6 Max 12
Sign-up: This class is full. Contact Lee directly to see if you can be added to this class.
Deadline: August 29, 2022
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. Contact Lee directly to cancel.
Class Content: Participants will: become familiar with color mixing, water control, and application of paint; create an original color wheel; create graded washes; create a small floral painting and a small landscape painting. Other creations will be added depending upon the movement of the class through assignments. Basically, participants will become familiar with using the beautiful and transparent medium watercolor, the integrity of which has longer duration than oil paints. Demonstrations will be given and suggestions wii be offered to each student with gentle critiques.
Supply List:
- Paints: Prang, Semi-Moist watercolor pan paints, 16 color set (~$10 on Amazon), so everyone has the same palette.
- Watercolor Brushes: may be synthetic or sable…size 2, 4, 6, 10. Buy Princeton or similar… a good synthetic brand.
- Paper: 1 sheet of 140 lb. Rag Watercolor Paper (no pulp filler); Lee will provide this for a fee, maybe $8 + tax, paid in class; Will try to get a good deal on good quality paper and pass it on to you.
- Masonite or other board with a white plastic surface; If requested, Lee can provide this for a fee, ~$3-$4 paid in class.
- Palette (two white ceramic dinner size plates, from resale shop?)
- 2 containers for water (e.g. large yogurt containers or similar… can be larger)
- 1 Roll of paper towels
- 2″ wide packaging tape
- 12″ ruler
- Graphite Pencil (artists, or Dixon or Ticonderoga — graphite not synthetic “lead”).
- Grey kneaded eraser.
Compass (if you have one)
Biography: Lee has two degrees in art from Moore College of Art/Design, and Tyler School of Fine Arts Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. She taught art in public schools for more than 30 years in various states, including Advanced Placement classes. Lee has been recognized for outstanding teaching in Ohio (Outstanding Ohio Art Teacher Award) and in VA (three time recipient of VA Governor’s School for Visual Arts Outstanding Teacher Award). Her students have been recognized with local, state, regional, and national awards.
Lee is a long-time member of AGTV, having taught numerous classes over the years. She is a member of the Knoxville Watercolor Society, and a signature member of both the TN Watercolor Society and the Southern Watercolor Society. Numerous awards have been assigned to her art: locally, regionally, statewide, and natinally. Lee has taken workshops with: Cheng Khee Chee, Paul Jackson, Mary Whyte, Kathleen Conover, Ted Nuttal, Brenda Swenson, Soon Y. Warren, Lian Quan Zhen, Charles Reid, Jean Pederson, and others.
COVID Protocol: Individuals are invited to wear face masks based on their own comfort level.