AGTV members are invited to offer classes. If you would like to offer a class, please review the following information and email to confirm classroom availability before submitting the form.

  • AGTV provides the Chota classroom to instructors at no charge.
  • AGTV will promote the class to members by email and post on its website with an online registration form.
  • The Instructor provides the description of class with photo, plus a supply list for the class listing.
  • The Instructor determines pricing and minimum/ maximum number of students. For classes held in Chota Room A, AGTV reserves the right to cancel the class if the number of enrolled students is less than six.
  • Instructors will be notified via email of enrollments as they are submitted.
  • Typically instructors request that AGTV collect the student fees. AGTV will absorb the credit card fees, so the teacher will receive the full payment. While most instructors request that AGTV collect the fees from students, it is not required (eg. $10 paid in class, or “mail checks to instructor…” )
  • If we collect student fees, AGTV will end enrollment and refunds 14 days prior to class start.  After that the instructor can decide whether to take any “late ” enrollments directly and decide on any refunds.
  • If we collect the student fees, AGTV will pay the instructor on the first day of class (not prior) for all student monies collected.
  • If the class fills up, the instructor can maintain a waitlist, if desired.

If you would like to teach a class, please use this form to provide us with information about it.