211203 Holiday Watercolor Batik – Martha Kisling

Dates: December 3-4, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: Chota Room A
Cost: Member: $80, Non-Member: $115
Class Size: Min:5, Max: 12
Sign-up: Closed
Workshop Content: Have fun learning the fascinating painting technique of Watercolor Batik! Use melted wax and watercolor paints on a fibrous rice paper to create beautiful artwork with surprising and one of a kind results. Demos and individual help will be provided to encourage each artist with their own creative expression.
Rice papers, wax, melting pot, wax brushes, freezer paper and designs will be provided.
- Day 1 – learn the basics of the watercolor batik process as we paint beautiful poinsettias and holly using my design or one of your own.
- Day 2 – experiment with a different rice paper and add some other media as we paint several smaller holiday themed watercolor batiks using my designs or some of your own.
Supply List:
Please bring your own watercolor paints, brushes, water container, paper towels, a waterproof black pen (Sharpie ultra fine or Pigma Micron size 08 or 05) and any old newspapers you already have on hand.
Also, please bring a stiff painting support (cardboard or drawing board) at least 14×20 inches in size. This will be used as you apply the melted wax to your painting.
Biography: Martha Kisling’s lifelong love of art led her to the exciting and spontaneous medium of watercolor. She has taught painting classes and workshops for over twenty five years while living in Colorado, South Carolina and Tennessee. She enjoys sharing her personal creative discoveries while encouraging students to develop their own artistic expression. Martha’s original artwork has been exhibited in many art shows and galleries and is privately owned around the world. Her watercolor paintings are currently being shown at the Rugby Art Gallery in Historic Rugby, TN.
Instructor Website: marthakisling.blogspot.com
Covid Prototcol: Face masks are recommended whenever social distancing isn’t possible.