220208 Watercolor Pouring: Florals – Lee Edge
Dates: Tuesdays, February 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15
(March 22 will be a make-up day if we miss another class due to bad weather)
Time: 12:45 – 4:00 PM
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: All levels
Contact Information: paintingsbylee@gmail.com
Cost: $150
Class Size: Min 7 Max 12
Sign-up: Please contact Lee directly to see if you can be added to this class.
Deadline: January 26, 2022
Cancellation Policy: Cancellation after 1/26 will result in a $50 cancellation fee. If a health issue arises, that will be taken into consideration and the fee may be eliminated. Teachers rely on numbers to carry a class and drop-outs at the last minute create problems.
Class Content: Participants will produce a painting (either 13″ x 19″ if experienced) or two smaller ones (if this is a first attempt). All need to have floral images and personal photos are preferred. An alternative is to seek a good floral composition on the internet, however, the resulting art cannot be regarded as original for competition purposes. I am willing to check possible references to give advice on composition. I can print the selected sizes on my Epson printer for a fee. The goal is to have one or two frameable works of art upon the end of the class, which may be used in the Tellico Village Art Guild Exhibit in the Spring. Demonstrations given in pouring and negative painting up close and personal, and individual guidance/critiques will be given. Contact Lee with questions.
Supply List: Click here to review the supply list.
- Undergrad degree, Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, Pa., Summa Cum Laude, 4 years scholarship.
- Master’s Degree, Tyler School of Fine Arts, Temple University, Philadelphia Pa., Honors
- 30 + years of public school teaching in 6 states, high school and adult education
- Numerous honors and awards including Outstanding Art Teacher of Ohio, and three time recipient of the Virginia Governor’s School Outstanding Teacher Award (nominated by students)
- 10 years of teaching in Tellico Village
- Professional Awards received in Regional (Central City, Colorado, Rapid City, S. D.) National (Wind River National Competition), and Local exhibitions, including Fountain City Art Shows and Oak Ridge Open Exhibits…awards for Printmaking, Pastel Painting, Photography, Mixed Media, and Watercolor. Art toured the contiguous Rocky Mt. States, and serigraph prints exhibited at the Denver Museum of Art.
- Signature Memberships in The TN Watercolor Society and The Southern Watercolor Society, Membership in The Knoxville Watercolor Society.
COVID Protocol: To respect those with autoimmune issues/health problems, masks are needed for the class.