240312 Pouring Watercolors by Lee Edge

Dates: Tuesday Afternoons starting March 12 to April 16, 2024
Time: 1:00 to 4:15 pm
Location: Chota Classroom A
Prerequisites: Some previous watercolor classes/experience
Contact Information: paintingsbylee@gmail.com
Cost: $125
Class Size: Min 6 Max 12
Sign-up: Class is full. Contact Lee to see if you can be added to the class.
Deadline: February 27, 2024
Cancellation Policy: Participants may cancel up to 14 days prior to the start of the class for a full refund. There will be no refunds within 14 days of the class unless spot can be filled from wait list. To cancel, fill out the class refund request form
Class Content: Participants will use personal reference photos to create original paintings in the pour method. This involves actual pouring of color on stretched, rag watercolor paper in progressive layers, using liquid mask to preserve colors in selected areas while progressive pouring takes place. Colors retain a clarity not available in the brushing method and a transparency is evoked by the layering of colors. A simple composition is recommended if this is a first time experience. Lee will have a meeting with participants prior to the first class to ensure that reference photos are adequate for the assignment based upon levels of experience. Lee will be creating a model demo to explain the process and will offer suggestions as participants work to interpret their original concepts.
Supply List: Gator Board with stretched Fabriano or other good quality paper (not Arches)…ready for the first class
(Contact Lee for instructions on how to stretch watercolor paper if a new experience)
Good quality tube watercolors (not student grade) appropriate for the color scheme of the subject matter
Palette or china plates ($ store) for mixing paint
Small containers to hold mixed colors for paint pouring (with lids)
2 water containers of decent size…like large yogurt containers or larger
Paper towels…1 Viva with no texture and 1 cheaper brand for mop up
Winsor and Newton Liquid Mask (no other brand please)
Inexpensive synthetic (not soft hair) brushes of Wal-Mart quality to apply liquid mask
Rubber cement pick up eraser (not an actual eraser)
Hair dryer
Assorted brushes of good quality (not used for Oil or Acrylic painting) synthetic, part natural/synthetic, or sable
2” wide white artist’s tape to secure staples and to keep them dry (on stretched paper)
1 sheet of transfer paper which is waxy and grey in appearance (not carbon) for tracing the drawing in stages onto the paper
Scrap watercolor paper to test colors prior to use in painting
Ruler, pencils, kneaded eraser
IF you wish, Lee may enlarge your photo, if emailed, to 13” x 19” (1/2 sheet of watercolor paper size) for a fee.
Please feel free to contact Lee with any questions related to the class or to the supply list. Participants will be contacted about a meeting about two weeks prior to the first class to clarify the process and to select the reference photo, etc. Fabriano paper may be purchased from Lee at the meeting. 865-458-3118
Biography: Bachelor’s Degree from Moore College of Art/Design-4-year scholarship, Summa Cum Laude
Master’s Degree from Temple University, Tyler School of Fine Arts, with Honors (nights and summers while teaching)
30 years + experience teaching art in public schools in PA, WY, OH, UT, VA, TX. Including AP art and Adult Ed.
Outstanding Ohio Art Teacher Award, Three-time recipient of VA Governor’s School for Visual Arts Outstanding Teacher Award and other recognitions by school district administrators
Highlights: Three paintings juried into an exhibit at the Denver Art Museum: juror at art exhibits in WY and Nebraska: Woodcut Print toured the contingent Rocky Mountain States:Oil portraits on Commission: Awards in Exhibitions at Fountain City Art Center, The Oak Ridge Open, Southern Watercolor Society, TN Watercolor Society.
Professional Memberships: Signature Memberships in Southern Watercolor Society and TN Watercolor Society, Exhibiting with Knoxville Watercolor Society.